That weight is a bit high for that height, but not terrible. You could probably benefit by losing about 10 pounds.
Not at all
Absolutely not!!
Weight is calculated by height not age.
People have been recorded weighing as much as 1100 pounds (500 kg).
yes you are pretty fat....well it depends on how tall you are but if you are under 5 foot than you are super super fat!!
well im 15 5''7 and i weight 165 pounds and im not fat if that helps
At a height of 5'10' and weighing 120 pounds you have a BMI of 17,2 which is considered underweight
not at all. I am 11 and I weigh 88 pounds most 12 year old's should weigh 100. you are perfectly fine
If your 20 years old just do exersizes with your cheeks and maybe when your older the fat with thin out
No you are not fat! Just watch watch what you eat and stay the way you are and you will be great!!! :)
At 160 lbs., a person who is 5'10" will have a BMI of 23 which is in the normal weight range.