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No, Marlboro does not manufacture weed. Marijuana is still illegal by the laws of Federal government. If phillip morris were to grow or manufacture marijuana cigarettes, every CEO would be arrested and the feilds and factories would be impounded. Even though marijuana is legal in Washington and Colorado, they still get frequent visits from the DEA. We all wish they would, but it would not be a good business move on their part.

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If you mean the weeds that grow and you have to pull them out...why wouldn't they be real?

If you mean weed that you smoke yes I'm gonna smoke some today

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Q: Is weed real
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nothing lol its not real weed

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Does meily smoke in real life?

Who? Miley Cyrus? Yes she does and she smokes weed too in real life.

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I've never read the book, but in real life, the town of Weed, CA, is about 230 miles from Sacramento.

What is the marijuana they call kush?

just a real good type of weed or medical marijuana

What pro skaters smoke weed?

Black ones.<---First answer. No. Real ones. You can't have a decent skater without having weed involved. That's just how it seems to work.

What is side effects for synthetic marijuana?

a severe case of dumbassness , just buy real weed

Will you get high off of the legal weed on the website will people tell the difference in it on site?

That is not real weed, it contains JWH. Which is extremely dangerous. Look up "JWH" and you'll find the side-effects.

How are websites like able to sell weed legally is it real weed or immitation?

I'll pose another question for you. DO YOU WANNA GET HIGH? go to www(.) and prove for yourself once and for all that YOU CAN !

Does synthetic weed no matter what brand show up on a drug screen?

No, it won't trigger a positive result. But synthetic bud really isn't good for you. I'm not saying smoking real weed every day is good for you either, but I tried the fake stuff once and it made me feel really lazy and heavy-headed which is never a good thing. if you're going to smoke weed, get the real stuff.

What is weeds real name?

"Weed" is a nickname for cannabis or marijuana, a psychoactive plant used for recreational and medicinal purposes.