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That's entirely opinion. You have to decide for yourself.

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Q: Is wearing belt buckle to the side gay?
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Does wearing your watch on your right hand mean you are gay?

There is no correlation between wearing your watch on a specific side and being gay.

What does wearing a hat to the right mean?

wearing your hat to various sides means many things. a side means you are gay, another that you are part of a gang and the gay side could also mean that you are in another gang,same with piercing your ears.

Are wearing overalls gay?

no why

Does wearing a ring on your thumb mean you are gay?

No. In fact there is no standard of wearing anything in a certain place to show that you are gay. These codes were sometimes used in the days where being gay was considered bad, and most gay people were closeted.

Is there a gay side for lip pierced?

there is no gay side

Are you gay if you like wearing hot pants?

You are gay if you are sexually and/or romantically attracted to the same sex. That is the only way you can know. What you like wearing has nothing to do with it.

Does wearing womens undergarments make you gay?

Wearing women's underwear doesn't make you gay or straight. You're a crossdresser (sometimes called a transvestite).

In gay culture what does wearing a leather collar mean?

It means: "I'm wearing a leather collar."

Are you gay for wearing rainbow colors?

It does not mean that you are so called "gay". It more that if you are not you are expressing the wrong idea for some people if you are not gay.

How is wearing a purse a gay thing to do and how can you tell if it's a bag or a purse?

First, wearing a purse is not a gay thing do do. Second, the difference between a bag and a purse is purely semantics.

What do penguins represent?

Penguins, are a sign of gay marriage, gay love, or the gay "happy". Wearing any kind of penguin item is a symbol of gay for men.

Does Wearing pants low mean your gay?

No, being attracted to a member of the same gender makes you gay.