Yes: water is stronger than fire.
You can extinguish a conflagration with water, but you can't stop a flood with fire. It's true that fire can make water vapor away, but you need A LOT of fire versus A SMALL amount of water. Plus, even vapor can extinguish fire.
Water and fire are natural elements with different properties. Water can extinguish fire by obstructing its access to oxygen, but fire can also evaporate water. In terms of power, neither element is inherently stronger than the other; their strength depends on the circumstances and context in which they are used.
Lightning is hotter and can reach temperatures up to 30,000 degrees Celsius, while the average temperature of a house fire is around 700 degrees Celsius. However, fire is more destructive over time due to its ability to spread and sustain itself, causing more damage than a single lightning strike.
Yes, ammonia is a stronger base than water. Ammonia can accept protons more readily than water, making it a stronger base.
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) has a stronger hydrogen bond than water, as HF molecules have a greater electronegativity difference between the hydrogen and fluoride atoms compared to water molecules, resulting in a stronger attraction. This makes hydrogen fluoride a stronger hydrogen bonding compound than water.
Water can conduct electricity, so when water comes into contact with an electrical fire, it can actually spread the fire rather than extinguish it. Water may also cause a short circuit, leading to further electrical hazards. It's safer to use a dry chemical fire extinguisher designed for use on electrical fires.
Yes, the conjugate acid of a strong base is typically stronger than water as strong bases have weak conjugate acids. The stronger the base, the weaker its conjugate acid is in comparison to water.
No ..Fire Is Way Stronger Then Wind
Water is not inherently stronger than lightning; their strength and power depend on the context. Water can conduct electricity, so if lightning were to strike a body of water, it could potentially cause harm. But in terms of raw destructive power, lightning is typically more dangerous than water.
Water is stronger than rock.
Lightning is hotter and can reach temperatures up to 30,000 degrees Celsius, while the average temperature of a house fire is around 700 degrees Celsius. However, fire is more destructive over time due to its ability to spread and sustain itself, causing more damage than a single lightning strike.
Ice and fire have different properties and strengths. Ice can be strong in terms of hardness and ability to withstand pressure, while fire is strong in terms of its ability to spread and consume. In terms of physical destruction, fire is generally stronger than ice.
A conflict is like a 'fire'. Water puts out the fire. Petrol makes the fire stronger. Water or petrol poured on the fire(conflict )
Water is stronger than rock.
Hell yeah,Feraigatar is a water type & Blazeiken is a Fire/fighting type. And fire type moves would not do that much damge becaues of resistance.
No Becuase Heatran Knows Fire types and fire is super Effiective Against Ice Unless if Articuno Knows Water Type Moves Jialiang123456789: Heatran is stronger than Articuno because Fire type moves are super effective against ice type Pokemon. Articuno is an ice type. Heatran is a fire type. So that makes articuno weaker than Heatran.
No because Bowser has stronger weight and can breath fire nd he is like way bigger than him!
That depends on it's type. If it's fire type then water is more powerful if it's grass then fire is stronger and if it's water then grass is stronger. The list goes on but those are the basics
Yes, ammonia is a stronger base than water. Ammonia can accept protons more readily than water, making it a stronger base.