Can be a sign of pregnancy go take a test or make an appointment with your doctor to have a blood test done hope this helps good luck and God Bless!!! get a pregnancy test, stuff always seems to discharge for hundreds of reasons
Usually, it can be indicated by a test around the first day of the missed period. Sometimes up to 4 days prior. I am 6 weeks pregnant now and my pregnancy home test detected it the day of my missed period..and if you go to the doctor the day of your missed period and they do a blood test,they will tell you if you are pregnant.Blood test is really the only certain/definate way.. I took a pregnancy test a week before my period was even due, with my first child and it came back positive.
Yes you probably didn't have enough hormone built up in your system prior. But I would def. say you are pregnant. Congrats!
If this happens a day or a few hours before your period then this is normal.
Following are the various prior symptoms of pregnancy such as : 1. Food cravings and altered sense of smell 2. Mood swings 3. Abdominal Bloating 4. Frequent Urination 5. Tiredness and Fatigue 6. Tender, swollen breasts 7. Nausea 8. missed period 9. highly basal body temperature 10. The proof: a positive home pregnancy test These are the various prior symptoms of pregnancy.
Yes, inserting NuvaRing before your period can delay bleeding.
Brown discharge is usually discharged tinged with old blood. It can occur prior to or just after your period, and it can also indicate a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection. Another possibility is ovulation or pregnancy.
Most home pregnancy tests (urine tests) are accurate the day you miss your period. The day you miss your period, you conceived approximately 2 weeks prior, but technically you are "4 weeks pregnant" because pregnancy is calculated based off the date of your last menstrual period (LPM). Some pregnancy tests are accurate prior to the first day of a missed period. Most symptoms (nausea, breast tenderness, etc) start around 5 weeks after your LMP (3 weeks after conception). However, it is important to note that not all women experience symptoms.
Wait a full missed cycle. I know the test kits tell you that they can give a reading in 2 days, but the hormone they test for takes a cycle to build up and you are apt to get a false reading with an eariler test. Save your money and do it after you have missed one cycle.14 weeks after intercourse is the most accurate date for determining pregnancy with a home pregnancy test.
The best time to try and conceive would be 14 days before the onset of your next period this is called ovulation.Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourseYour most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulationFor most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period.
Yes, if you have the type of pill that requires you not to take any over your period. It is not a good idea to do it too often, but yes, you can delay your period for a month using this method.
well pregnancy symptoms can start prior to period. 1week before your period symptoms may be seen. fatigue,nausea,frequent urination are the signs you can notice.
You could be. It is best to take a hpt 5 to 10 days after a missed period to get the most accurate result, otherwie you can get a false negative. Normally a women is late at some time or another. (Stress & eating habits are 2 common reasons why a period is late...Other then pregnancy that is)