it is 555-7383 (555-PETE)
The phone number is 555-7383
The phone number of the 555 Gallery And Studio is: 313-894-4202.
the phone number is 555-PETE. 555-7383.
His phone number is 555-3946.
the number for the pizza is :555 7383: witch is 555 Pete look on a phone
Oh, dude, the classic 555 number! Yeah, that number is often used in movies and TV shows because it's not a real working number. So, if you see a character dialing 555 on screen, it's just a fake number to protect people's privacy. Like, imagine if every time someone in a movie gave out their number, they started getting calls from random fans or telemarketers. That would be a nightmare, right? So, 555 it is!
The phone number to Papa Pete's Pizza is 555-PETE (555-7383). Call for a pizza from the motel office, and deliver it to Bucky Lucas in room 4-B.