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The triple tap originated in Africa in the 1950's-60's period when inferior revolvers were a problem. This has evolved and taught at most police agencies in North America, 2 to centre mass and 1 to the head. Please check out a NRA basic firearm course at

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Q: Is there such a thing called triple tap for gun triggers?
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What is the best thing you can do to your autococker?

It depends on what you think is "best". for the "best" accuracy, you should get a barrel kit for the gun. For the best safety, you should get a On/Off ASA. For the best performance, you should purchase a board and different style triggers.

What is the best trigger to put on an invert mini paintball gun?

its all personal preference, try out other guns that have different triggers and see what you like. Almost all types of triggers are made for the Mini.