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No. Its called a fetish. A lot of people have feet fetishes. A fetish is something that turns you on. If I were you I would not tell your other guy freinds, just cause if they are your age the know just as much about it as you do and might make fun, but dont worry it is very common.

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3mo ago

It is normal to have crushes on teachers or other authority figures at your age, but it is important to understand appropriate boundaries and actions. These thoughts may be a result of curiosity or hormones. It's important to remember to respect people's personal boundaries and focus on appropriate ways to develop relationships and fantasies. If these thoughts persist and make you uncomfortable, it may be helpful to talk to a trusted adult or counselor.

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Q: Is there something wrong if you are 13 and when you are at school and a teacher you fancy walks past you and you can only think about what it would feel like to have her feet on your willy?
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