no there is no reason why you can't get pregnant when you are in your period's as there is when you don't.
You can get pregnant at any time of the month. But right after your period you have a less chance of getting pregnant, and right before your period because the egg needs to be in the tubes to be fertilized so if its the day before your period its not in the tubes.
The chance of this is less than 1 in one billion.
Considering you ovulate about two weeks after your period, if your last period was in fact a period there is only a microscopic chance that you would even BE pregnant, much less be experiencing symptoms.
no. you ALWAYS have a chance of gettin preggers. its just less likely to happen on you're period
There is no chance. If you have your period, you aren't pregnant. Actually, some women have their peroids while being's not that common, but it does happen. You're more than likely not tho'. i had sex and then got my period a day or two later and i am not pregnant
You would have less than a 3% chance by day twenty.
if u have had your period for less than two years no you can't be pregnant its jus irregular!!!!
yes. unfortunately there is a chance. a small chance but a chance none the less
It is possible to get pregnant at any time, but it is much less likely during menstruation. Yes you can get pregnant during you period but it is a very low chance that it will happen. The best time to get pregnant is when you are ovulating and that is normally 14 days before your period.
There is always a chance, but since you're using birth control it's just less likely.
It is possible for a woman to get pregnant during her period if she is not using a form of protection.