You would have to look at,or Guns America,or possibly Cabelas Gun rooms to find one.All though hard to find but not impossible.
Depends on caliber.
The serial number does not determine if it is a high-wall or a low-wall. The caliber, barrel size & length, and the style of the receiver frame determine the answer to your question.
What you have is a Model 1885 Single Shot (high-wall) shotgun that was manufactured in the year 1913.
It sounds to me that you have a Winchester model 1885 high wall musket.Your rifle was made at the end of production which was 1920.The value will range between 400-1,000 dollars based on your rifle having between 10%-80% of its original finish remaining and a good bore.
Bocage's Wall Lizard was created in 1885.
George Wall was born on 1885-02-20.
This site has several listed for sale and might give you some idea of the value of your gun. Copy and paste this link (you may have to copy it in two sections because of length).
Your Model 1885 Single Shot Rifle (high-wall) was manufactured circa May 1891.
If we are talking about a original model 1885 low wall .22cal single shot rifle?then the going price is between 300-1,000 dollars for a rifle having between 10%-70% of its original finish remaining and a good bore.
One can find wall mount fans for sale from the Amazon website which offers a wide range of wall mount fans for sale. A local DIY shop also can offer wall mount fans for sale.
The Winchester high-wall Single Shot rifle is referred to as a Model 1885. The value will be determined by the exact configuration of the rifle, the factory originality, and the graded condition, all of which require a visual inspection and evaulation. I can provide a detailed assessment if you desire, and can be contacted at Bert H.
There are many online websites that offer wall organizers for sale. Online shops such as My Nest Home and Zansaar offer wall mounted wall organizers for sale.