People may want to improve their face or lose weight. People may choose to alter their body by getting surgery to enhance their breasts or reduce fat in their body.
I like that I am a survivor of many abuses, and wish to improve my response to grievances and enemies I love the fact that I'm kind, caring and smart, if I could I would improve my athletic ablities
The best way to answer a question asking where improvement is needed, would be with honesty. Most employers prefer an honest person who admits the shortcomings, acknowledgment would show the willingness to improve on them.
I have found that even highly-paid executives do not put their real weaknesses in the appraisal form. You do not want to put ANYTHING negative about yourself in any form. NEVER say something like "I don't work well with people." Or "I don't write very well." If you write that, everyone will think less of you even if you are wrong and you work well with people and write well. What you want to do it think about how you could improve your job or yourself and write about that. For example you could say: "I would like to improve the way I write." Or "I would like to take classes to improve my computer usage." That is a way of showing a "weakness" without saying it is a major thing, plus showing that you would like to improve it.
We are sorry that your trip has not been up to expectations. Is there anything you'd like to suggest we improve?
Girls can only like you the way YOU like yourself. They only see what you portray. So the only thing they can like is what you portray of yourself.
it actually is just a matter of opinion, you could name it anything. Anything from Arty to Zeelia. Anything! just ask yourself "what does my dog look like to me?"
You're going to have to figure that out for yourself - we can't read your mind to know why you want to do anything.
if there was no music there wouldnt be much to talk about with your family, friends, or on tv, and if you didnt have anything to entertain yourself with, life would be boring.
to be a better person to have the ability to be a better person someday
Practice on video and then watch yourself. Repeat until you like what you see.
Believe in yourself honey! You can accomplish anything! #i like turtles