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To be considered sterilized the item needs to be washed to remove any matter that may be on it, this is best done with an ultra sonic cleaner. Then it needs to be placed inside a sterilization pouch and then autoclaved at 121 degrees Celsius and a pressure of no less than 15 PSI for 30 minutes. Anything less is a joke and could prove to be dangerous. The pressure and temperature are the only true means of killing bacteria and spores that can infect humans with HIV, Staph, Strep, Tetanus and a few other nasty critters.

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Q: Is there any way to clean and sterilize piercing clamps without an autoclave?
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How can you sterilize your piercing gun?

You cannot adequately sterilize these guns in an autoclave, and more so than that, they are VERY ill advisable to use in the instance of ear piercing. The reason for this aside from the obvious sterility issues are the amount of blunt force trauma that they do to the lobe (and ESPECIALLY cartilage), and also that the studs that these fire out are one common length, which completely works against the fresh piercing when the area swells and will greatly double the chance that the piercing will be a failure. You should really consider switching over to more of a body piercing set up; tri-beveled piercing needles, clamps, and good implant grade jewelry.

Where to find piercing clamps?

Claire's or piercing shops

Why is the tip of your tongue bruised after piercing?

It could just be from the way the piercer handled it or the clamps.

Can you sterilize tattoo equipment without a autoclave?

No, an autoclave is the most effective way to sterilize tattoo equipment due to high heat and pressure. Alternative methods, such as chemical sterilization or disposable equipment, may not guarantee complete sterilization. It's crucial to prioritize safety and use proper equipment for tattooing.

What requires the use of an autoclave?

An autoclave is required for sterilizing materials and equipment that are sensitive to high temperatures and steam, such as medical instruments, surgical tools, laboratory glassware, and certain types of media and solutions. Autoclaves use steam under pressure to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms effectively.

What kind of clamps do you use for hip piercings?

First off this is not a piercing you can do your self so forget it right now. Second you need to have the correct knowledge of anatomy and the training to do this piercing correctly. Third you don't use clamps in this piercing. See a professional body piercer for all of your piercing requests. Wikianswers is not a venue to provide how to information that can lead to serious personal injury due to misuse of information.

How do you clear up darken skin around monroe piercing?

Is it a new piercing? It might just be bruising. Especially if the piercer used clamps. Otherwise, there really shouldn't be dark skin but it might be scarring. You can use scar cream on it just not directly in the piercing

Meanings for a tragus piercing?

its just an awesome piercing i got mine a couple of days ago, and i love it. there is really no meaning, unless you give it one. i love my tragus piercing and they don't hurt at all, only when they use the clamps. you should get one [: <- i wrote that, Lizziebby.

Does a Xbox 360 work without x-clamps?

Yes, the x-clamps just help it cool down. I've used my xbox for about 6 months and it does not have x-clamps.

How long does it take for the tongue to get pierced?

Go watch a video of a tongue piercing on youtube. It takes like 2 seconds for the actual piercing but of course, the clamps go on before that which adds a little more time. So, not that long at all.

What are toggle clamps commonly used for?

Toggle clamps are commonly used in various ways. They can be used to hold a piece of wood for a someone who needs a third hand, or they can be used to position parts and help in the performance of mechanical jobs, like piercing sheet metal.

What are the different types of MTB seat post clamps available in the market and how do they differ in terms of design and functionality?

There are mainly two types of MTB seat post clamps available in the market: quick-release clamps and bolt-on clamps. Quick-release clamps allow for easy and quick adjustment of the seat height without the need for tools, while bolt-on clamps require tools for adjustment but provide a more secure and stable hold. Quick-release clamps are convenient for on-the-go adjustments, while bolt-on clamps are preferred for riders who prioritize stability and security.