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Q: Is there any potassium in beer?
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Related questions

How much potassium is in a can of mug root beer?

A can of Mug Root Beer typically contains around 45mg of potassium.

Are there any minerals in beer?

Yes, beer can contain trace amounts of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus from the brewing process and ingredients used. These minerals can vary depending on the source of the water, grains, and additives in the beer.

Does Root Beer contain potassium?

A root beer float has vanilla ice cream in it. Root beer itself does not contain vanilla.

How many calories in duquesne pilsner beer?

95 calories per bottle

What is the most low fat beer?

Any Beer has no fat

Is there any potassium in crystal light?

is there a lot of potassium in crystal light

What is Sapporo Japanese beer made from?

barley is the usual cereal that any beer is made of sapporo beer is no exception :)

Is sam Adams beer beer gmo free?

I was told on the Sam Adams Face Book page that they do not use any GMO's in their beer.

What is the electrovalency of potassium in potassium sulphate?

The electrovalency of potassium in potassium sulfate is +1. This is because potassium is in Group 1 of the periodic table and typically forms ions with a charge of +1.

What are beer glasses used for?

Beer glasses are typically for the use of pouring beer into, and consuming various types of beer. However, beer glasses could potentially be used for any other beverage.

Does potassium sorbate contains any copper ions?

No, it is a compound of the metal potassium and the sugar sorbitol.

Did St. Patrick drink beer?

There is no mention of Patrick ever drinking beer in any of his biographies.