yes, they can get pregnant infact any girl can...
imvu.comhabbohotel.comourworld.comevony.comhope they help!
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Not under any reasonable circumstances.
Yes, every state has gay teens under the age of 18.
no, it doesn't matter if you only had the base game, or double deluxe, or any expansion, teens will only get pregnant if you are using the inteenimator or another mod that allows teen pregnancy.
Horses - of any size - can't make humans pregnant under any reasonable circumstances.
teens should not have high triglycerides under any circumstances, if they do kick em outside and tell em to play until they are sweaty... teens should be skinny
Juno,riding in the car With boys, I can't really think of any more
It depends. If you're in your teens, your period might not have normalized yet. Have you been under any significant stress? That mess with your period, too. If you're very concerned or this has happened repeatedly, you might want to talk to your doctor. You could consider going on the pill. It can help regulate your period.
you're 'allowed' to get pregnant at any age (if you're under 18 and the guy is over, that's when it's illegal)