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Scar tissue is just like regular skin tissue except for being more dense. Their are enzymes and other substances capable of breaking down skin tissue but would most likely and probably indefinitely cause further scarring, the safest method nowadays for removing scars or at least down sizing them is to have surgery whereby they removes the section of scarred tissue and suture it together to leave a very faint thin line scar. Some scars if small enough do fade and can disappear with time, but depending on the size and kind of scar can seriously effect what can be done with it.

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The IUD is in the uterine cavity, which grows and sheds a lining. Scar tissue won't grow around the IUD any more than scar tissue grows around a pierced earring.

What forms a scar?

Scar tissue is the fibrous connective tissue which forms a scar; it can be found on any tissue on the body, including skin and internal organs, where an injury, cut, surgery or disease has taken place, and then healed. Thicker than the surrounding tissue, scar tissue is paler and denser because it has a limited blood supply; although it takes the place of damaged or destroyed tissue, it is limited in function, including movement, circulation, and sensation. Other than with minor cuts and scrapes, scarring is a common result of any bodily damage. Scar tissue in the skin is inferior to healthy, normal skin for several reasons: sweat glands are damaged or destroyed, hair does not grow back, and there is less resistance to ultraviolet radiation

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Depends. Some people develop scar tissue and the area looks raised because the scar tissue forms a sort of tunnel. But then again, it could heal pretty flat.

Why is there Hardness at site of incisional hernia repair?

Whenever there is any surgical wound, the body responds with accumulation of scar tissue to repair the wound. This scar tissue is what causes the hardness at the site of the repair. The scar tissue is remodeled by the body and the healing (repair) of the wound is completely healed in 3 months. At that time the hardness goes away.. George Christoudias MD Teaneck, NJ 07666

Does it hurt when you tear scar tissue?

As with any joint or muscle injury, tearing scar tissue does hurt. The pain can be something as simple as feeling like you have pulled a muscle to the feeling of sharp stabbing pains. Scar tissue is the body's attempt to repair an injury. These adhesions can be torn loose and then rebuilt again. It is important to keep in mind that only a doctor can provide a correct diagnosis of what is actually causing the pain.

Is scar tissue painful?

Generally no, but sometimes it can be. It depends on the location of the scar tissue. If it is in a sensitive area, then it may be painful at times, but only slightly. If you are experiencing a lot of pain associated with scar tissue, you should have it checked for infection by a doctor. He or she will prescribe you antibiotics to kill off the infection. This is also true if you are experiencing any type of fever concurrently. Scar tissue from endometrial implants from endometriosis can be rather painful also. This is one example of sensitive scar tissue that can cause pain and requires additional medication to control, including pain medication to relieve the pain. Endometriosis cannot be cured, but it can be managed to a degree through medication and surgeries. Scar tissue associated with post-surgery should not be painful after the surgery heals. If it is painful, this is a prime culprit of infection and needs to be evaluated by your doctor at a follow-up appointment or a quick visit to the ER.

Are there any long term risks associated with facial implants?

As with any cosmetic surgery there are always risk of rejection. You may also develop infections or scar tissue.

Scarred tissue on fallopian tubes after tubal ligation?

Well, scar tissue will help with preventing the women from getting pregnant. The idea is to block sperms from reaching the eggs. Anyway, any disruptions to the natural anatomy can produce scarring.

What is the purpose of hysterosalpingography?

Hysterosalpingography is used to determine if the fallopian tubes are open, or if there are any apparent abnormalities or defects in the uterus. It can be used to detect tumors, scar tissue, or tears in the lining of the uterus.

You had carpal tunnel surgery a year ago and your palm is still stiff Is this normal?

Typically No..but it can depend on many factors. Like previous hand/wrist conditions and surgery history. Severity of CTS BEFORE surgery. Type of surgery. Complications of surgery. Some people will develop scar tissue or adhesions inside the wrist where the surgery was done. This is like a spider web of scar tissue. It is best addressed AS your are healing by performing friction rub technique to scar area. Basically get some vitamin E cream or scar cream and use other thumb to rub rather forcefully for several minutes 2-3 x day for several wks..the thought is that it will break up any scar tissue forming. You may also benefit from CTS exercises that will stretch this area. Check with your provider or PT.