the hedley band member's birthdays are: tommy-april 4th jacob-july 9th dave-july 28th chris-august 4th
August 9th 1975 was a Saturday.
August 9th, 1979 fell on a Thursday.
Whitney Houston is born on Friday 9th of August 1963, so she becomes 55 years old on Thursday 9th of August 2018. However, during 2018 but before 9th of August, Whitney Houston is still 54 years old. About how she really is in 2018, it depends when in 2018 we're talking about because people's ages change during their birthdays, not really during the beginning of the new year. 2018 Whitney Houston's Age: <Thursday 9th of August 2018 (Before)=54 years old ≥Thursday 9th of August 2018 (During and After)=55 years old If we determine something more specific, we don't have to talk about the dependence. If determine her age through the year, then she's 55 years old in 2018.
Christapher Columbus had 8 kids and his wife had a miss caredge with there 9th kid but all kids were girls the 9th was a girl allso
Bo, was born on October 9th, 2008. Sunny, was born in June of 2012.
9th august
9th august
The 9th of August can occur on any day of the week. As the question was asked in July 2014, it is possible you were referring to August of 2014, in which case the answer is Saturday.
August 9th
August 9th
9th August,2005