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Bill Unger

Cody Christian

Luke benword

Bick romeo reinmann

greyson chance


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Q: Is there any 12-14 year old famous boys that are cute?
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Do girls like cute boys?

P.s I’m an 8 year old boy that look’s like this 👱🏻‍♂️

What do girls like in 13 year old boys like me?

Teen girls like 13 year old boys who are cute, funny, social, and most importantly boys who are comfortable being themselves.

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i wouldn't unless there is no nice/cute boys/girls

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No, the Illuminati has ceased to exist, They are just cute 15 year old boys.

What is a cute 14 teen year old boys name?

Nick, John, Cody, Joe, Chris

What year was the back street boys popular?

The Backstreet Boys became famous all over the world in 1996.

Is there any 12 13 year old boys who are cute that are famous?

If you have a comment for me then send it to my email hes 15 but he is amazing hahah and the answer is no im 13 and i don't think there are goo for older like Justin Bieber haha

Is there any 11 year old boys out there?

Yes... very many... especially cute ones... have you seen Taylor Launter?

Is there any 12-13 year old boys who are cute-pictures?

TrY buddy but dont be a stalker :)jk