After 15 years with a 15-year certain and life annuity, the annuity payments will continue for the rest of the annuitant's life even if they live beyond the initial 15-year period. If the annuitant passes away before the end of the 15 years, the payments will continue to a designated beneficiary for the remainder of the 15 years.
Eva Longoria was born on March 15, 1975, so she is currently 46 years old.
Oh, dude, when God was feeling generous, Hezekiah was already around 39 years old. So, when God decided to throw in an extra 15 years, Hezekiah was probably like, "Cool, more time to hang out and do stuff, I guess." So, yeah, Hezekiah was about 54 when he got that sweet extension.
in Naruto Shippuden Gaara is the same age as Naruto, Sasuke, And Sakura which means that Garra is about 15 in the beginning of naruto Shippuden, and 16 in the most recent shippuden episodes...
Design clients and their needs are as unique as people in the world, so this is a tricky question.For US businesses, furniture typically is expected to have a 10 year life, for tax purposes. For that reason, businesses will usually not change things too much during the first 10 years after a major space redesign unless they are physically relocating or have another major business shift that requires a change.For homes, this timing can vary much more widely, depending on housing market conditions and whether they have desire to sell, as well as the personal tastes and needs of each client. If I were taking a quiz with this question, though, I'd guess C.15 years.
The word sesquidecade means 'a period of one and a half decades.' i.e. 15 years.Note: Although the word is in use, we have yet to find it listed in any English dictionary.
oru vyazha vattam means 12 years.
Letters in the word "household".
Translation: "I am 15 years old, and you?"
Every 8 to 15 years
Pentadecagon is the word that means 15-sided polygon.
My name is Radia and I'm 15 (years old). Note - In French, the word for word translation is: I call myself Radia and I have 15 years
It means "I have 15 years." But you have to be careful, n and ñ are different letters in Spanish, in context we all presume you mean año pronounced "anyo" which means year, but ano pronounced "ano" means anus (backside). So, tengo 15 años means I have 15 years, or more usual in English for age we use the verb to be, I am 15 years old. Tengo 15 anos literally means I have 15 anuses (backsides).
135. Because its 9 "cat lives" which means for every human year its 9. so it would be 15 x 9 = 135. And im new, so i have no idea what all that stuff it below my answer it. hope this helps(:
1 baby every 15 years
The word "GREATEST" is a superlative adjective and that means there can be only one.GCF(15, 30) = 15.