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Not unless you haven't been having sex. In that case, any indication of sex would either indicate cheating or masturbation.

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2d ago

No, there is no physical way to tell if a woman is cheating by examining her vagina. Cheating is a matter of trust and communication between partners, and suspicion should be addressed through open and honest conversations rather than invasive physical examinations.

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Q: Is there a way to tell in a women virgina if they are cheating?
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Ask him what he thinks of people who cheat on there partner and well you will no bye the way he ansers you

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you can tell if your girlfriend is cheating by maybe calling the cheaters show or the way to not make her find out make her feel guilty and find out what shes been doing if she really is cheating. signed genefer16 and gothgirl42 we do advice together feel free to reply to us thanks!

How can you tell when a girl is cheating?

ANSWER:It depends to what is going on between the two of you. When it comes to cheating people are smarter, it will be hard to recognize the different. Maybe you can tell by the way she act when the two of you are together. But one thing that can solve your problem, please talk to her, it's better than assuming if she is cheating on you or not..

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There is no way to tell your boyfriend that you are cheating and not making him mad. Just break up with him since you obviously don't care for him.

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There is nothing to show. If you are not, then you are not. If he doesn't understand this, then he is way too suspicious and doesn't trust you as much as he should. Tell him in a serious tone that you are not cheating. If he loves you and trusts you enough, he will believe you.

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There are many ways you can tell or expect a man that he is cheating on you. Noticing a kiss, or the way he treats you, when he 'works late', or when he makes many excuses all the sudden.