To get a busted lip to go away faster, apply ice as soon as possible. Ice will help to reduce the swelling and also take some of the pain away. Taking an anti-inflammatory medicine may also help.
my lip piercing is in the center of my lip and it never gets in the way of i had the typical hoop on the side of my lip and it got in the way of EVERYTHING! and was just uncomfortable.
No. It means broken, disintegrated, busted.
I've gotten those before and I believe they are blood vessels bursting from the strain of puking. There's nothing you can do except cover them with makeup. They will go away in 2-3 days.
The radiator will leak, Its function is to hold water in a way as to cool it for the engine. So if it leaks, its busted.
About the same way you can get busted for signal theft.
Yell really mean things at it until it goes away.
The best way is to do a biopsy. But a bump on the lip can be many things.
The Milky Way is the center of the visible universe, as the boundary where matter travels away from the observer faster than light is at a constant distance in all directions. The universe beyond this point is unobservable, as the spacetime is moving away faster than light.
No way!
Of course not! The only way of pregnancy is to have sex. there is NO WAY that kissing could cause pregnancy :) so don't worry!
No way, she wouldve got busted by Disney or the press.
Broke Poor Busted Strapped for Cash