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To keep your tobacco moist, you want to dampen a paper towel. Make sure its not dripping because you don't want any soaked tobacco. Fold the paper towel a few times and put it over the top of your canister. Apply the canister lid to the tobacco and let sit overnight.

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Q: Is there a way to add moisture to bulk cigarette tobacco?
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What in a cigarette allows smoking to be highly addictive?

The high levels of Nicotine they add to the cigarette. mabye the Tobacco, im not that sure or mabye you just like them so much you dont want to let them go

Who was the first cigarette company to add nicotine?

The plant Nicotinia Tabacum better known as the Tobacco plant already contains nicotine, therefore there was no company that added nicotine to cigarettes, cigars, tobacco chew, etc.

Why doesn't a cigarette catch fire?

Quote from the Related Link: "Most cigarette filters are made from cellulose acetate, which will burn, but won't ignite. Thus, most of the time it extinguishes itself when air is no longer moving around it."

Why do scientists say tobacco companies add propylene glycol to cigarettes?

Scientists say tobacco companies add propylene glycol to cigarettes because propylene glycol does not occur naturally in tobacco, but it is found in cigarettes. It is added to cigarettes and other tobacco products to help them keep their moisutre content steady. No one wants to light a cigarette and have it erupt in flames or take a dip of dry snuff.

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put in the dryer or sit on it till dry. use waterproof pants when attempting to sit on WET tobacco to make it dry. ii have a question tooo. why do girls and boys have different bpdy parts??? Learn to spell

How much healthier is smoking tobacco through a pipe than a cigar?

About the same. They can both lead to cancer of the tongue, mouth, throat, esophagus, and a variety of other ailments. They are generally not inhaled, but if they are add all the cigarette problems to the list.

Does humidity add moisture to soil?

Humidity itself does not directly add moisture to soil. However, high humidity levels in the air can slow down the rate of evaporation from the soil surface, helping to maintain soil moisture levels.

Why is quitting so difficult?

Because tobacco companies add nicotine to the tobacco which is extremely addictive.


major bulk of the tooth; capability to add to itself

Is there sugar in grizzly chew?

Yes, tobacco companies add sugar to the tobacco to make the chew more sweet

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Not really. Bananas would do more to add moisture to a cake.

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