There is no measurement for shutter lag, unfortunately, on digital cameras.
Shutter lag is the time from when the shutter is triggered (pushing the shutter button) until the time the image is recorded. In professional cameras the shutter lag is far less than consumer cameras. Some professional cameras will take 6 to 8 frames per second when triggered by hand. Consumer cameras vary from about a tenth of a second to 2 seconds of shutter lag.
Shutter lag is the most commonly cited problem with digital cameras, because of the time it takes for auto focusing and the activation of the picture capture mechanism, often in situations where timing is important like sports events, the time between pressing the shutter button and the actual time the camera records the image can mean the difference between getting or losing the shot.
In a mechanical shutter it is the time that it takes for the mechanical components to mesh and begin the movement of the shutter blades. These components must also build up the forces necessary to move against the springs that hold the blades in the closed position. This build up of forces takes some finite amount of time to overcome, hence a lag time. Then, depending on mass of the shutter blades there is a finite time it takes for the blades to move to the open position. This is due to inertia. (Inertia is the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force.) In an electro-mechanical shutter additional lag times are provided by the inductance of the actuating mechanisms, (usually some electro-magnetic actuator). In these cases the time it takes for the actuator to build up the energy necessary to be able to overcome the "at rest" forces causes additional lag. Shutter lag is a property that shutter manufacturers work very hard to reduce to a minimum required duration. ****************** While technically correct, shutter lag in a modern non-digital SLR is virtually undetectable. The questioner was probably referring to the lag time of a non-SLR digital camera, which as most people have observed, can be a pain in the butt. The answer in that respect is that the lag is due to the time it takes the image to be converted to digital information. High priced digital SLRs have much less lag as their processing time is much shorter. The trade-off is the dent it puts in your wallet. Micron.
Shutter lag is the most commonly cited problem with digital cameras, because of the time it takes for auto focusing and the activation of the picture capture mechanism, often in situations where timing is important like sports events, the time between pressing the shutter button and the actual time the camera records the image can mean the difference between getting or losing the shot.
This would be a great choice. Most phones do have great video and cameras, but the Mytouch is incredible. Zero shutter lag, clear Shot HDR.. you'll love it! Yes, you can post direct to social media like Facebook.
I believe you are referring to Shutter Lag. It's the amount of time you wait between pressing the button and the camera actually taking the photo.Generally speaking, more expensive cameras have smaller Shutter Lag times. DSLRs are almost instant, but even they have a little lag time.In small point-and-shoot cameras, Sony tends to be a little quicker than most.Important Tip:Automatic cameras do several steps before they actual take the shot. They 1) focus, 2) calculate the exposure, and 3) take the shot.If you press the button down half way and hold it there, the camera will complete steps 1 and 2 and wait for you to press the button all the way down to do step 3.Pre-focusing before your shot, by holding the button down halfway, will reduce your shutter lag time.This means you have to think ahead and be ready for the shot before it happens. This is true for any camera, even the big DSLRs.
If you mean, how can you reduce the shutter lag, you can speed things up by prefocusing (hold the button down halfway) before you have to take the picture. Read your manual.
Less expensive digital cameras suffer from this lag, due to the time it takes to process the image and turn it into digital information. More expensive DSLR's are faster, and this lag time is often part of their published and promoted features. It is worth asking about when buying any digital camera.
newer cameras have more mega pixels for less the price. which basically means you get a better picture on cameras now than you would on an older camera. Along with being smaller that the older ones and have a better flash. The pictures are also in color with the newer ones as for the older cameras are black and white.
To the best of my knowledge, it is the Olympus E3 at 1/8000 second as of 2008. However, an important measure of digital camera speed is also fps (frames per second) as the camera must meter and check focus and other settings before taking the shot. At present DSLRs can't be beat in this regard. Compact digitals usually suffer from shutter lag. Casio claims the fastest fps at 60 fps, 6.0MP, jpeg as of Aug. 2007. You should denote from this that the fps numbers alone mean nothing unless everyone is using the same yardstick. When have the manufacturers ever done that?
That happens for cameras with electronic viewfinders. What you see is an electronic projection of what the camera sees. This projection is not instantaneous. There is a slight lag. So when you move the camera even a bit, the projection lag makes the image look like it is shaking. For some cameras, this lag is very small, and you will have a hard time detecting the shake.
Digital cameras are typically sold on the basis of two easily quoted numbers: megapixels, and the length of the zoom lens. For most people who simply want to take snapshots of their friends, families and trips, these are the two least important factors . Much more important factors are the camera’s speed and the width of the lens.A 4x6 print requires a 1 megapixel image to print with adequate sharpness. For an 8x10 print, only 3.2 megapixels are required. A 1 megapixel image is also more than adequate to email to friends and may be too large for a Facebook or MySpace page.In the real world, anything over 6 megapixels is overkill. Furthermore, the more megapixels, especially on a small non-SLR camera, the worse those pixels will be. Color accuracy and, more importantly, performance in anything but the brightest daylight will be degraded.Most casual photographers have more trouble squeezing everything into a frame than bringing in distant elements. Because of this, try to find a camera whose wide angle lens is at least as wide as the equivalent of a traditional 28 mm lens. A zoom of at least 90mm equivalent will be fine.Buried in the statistics for most cameras is information on how quickly it will take a picture after the shutter button is pressed. One professional DSLR has a 37 millisecond shutter lag. Due to slower response and autofocus, shutter lag on a well respected low cost point and shoot can be as high as 700 ms. A car moving at 60 mph will move only 3 feet in the time that the DSLR needs to actually shoot, but 61 feet (4 car lengths) before the point-and-shoot takes a picture. When photographing fast moving children, this lag is huge.Ultimately, numbers do not tell the story. The best way to figure out which of the many digital cameras available will work is to go and try them. Since pricing on major brand cameras is relatively standardized, a trip to a reputable local store will allow you to try a number of cameras and, most likely, save more by buying the right one than one would save by going to the internet. Happy shooting!