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Yes. Make yourself eat a bowl of ice cream every night before bed (and work out of course). My trainer told me that and i put on 35 lbs of muscle in 2 1/2 months.

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Q: Is there a cheaper way to get bigger rather than protein shakes?
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What is better steroids or protein shakes?

Protein Shakes because steroids have to many health risks. All that steroids do is increase your testosterone, which there is healthy ways of doing it. With protein shakes you can also add other indigents such as bananas, milk,eggs and cereal. Plus protein shakes are a lot cheaper.

Do the protein shakes at golds gym work?

It depends on what your goals are and what shake you are taking. Protein Supplements are a necessity for any bodybuilder post work out. Protein shakes alone won't give you muscle if you aren't training hard enough. Personally I make my own shakes that are good and much cheaper, but there shakes are very good as well. So if you eat right, and train hard...then yes there shakes work.

Are protein shakes or supplements (pills) better?

There are many different types of protein shakes and other protein shakes and other protein supplements. College students do not need anything specific.

Are there books with recipes on protein shakes?

Yes there are several books with recipes on protein shakes. You should look it up and see what you come up with. There are hundreds of recipes of protein shakes.

Can protein shakes be bad to you if you haven't hit puberty?

No, protein shakes cannot be bad for anyone. Protein is not stored in our body. Unwanted protein is excreted.

Do you need to take protein shakes if you dont workout?

Protein Shakes are rich sources of protein and proteins are an extremely important ingredient of any person's diet. The answer is Yes you can take protein shakes even if you do not workout but if you don't workout do not consume too much protein. Limit the intake of protein shakes to maybe one or two scoops per day. It is not mandatory that you need to take protein shakes. You can get sufficient protein by following a healthy diet.

What protein shakes are the best for bodybuilders? has a variety of protein shakes. They are great and have the highest rating among body building shakes. They come in vanilla and strawberry.

Do you put ice in your protein shakes?

Some people put ice in their protein shakes to make them colder and thicker.

Are eggs better than protein shakes?

Yes they can be. protein shakes have chemicals in them, not just protein eggs are ALL NATURAL protein especially hard boiled eggs.

What are the different types of protein shakes available in the market?

The different types of protein shakes available in the market include whey protein, casein protein, soy protein, pea protein, and plant-based protein blends.

What effect will protein shakes have on my body as I try to lose weight?

Protein shakes a generally a safe substitute for athletes and those who exercise rigorously who want to get enough protein. Protein shakes are not at all necessary for weight loss, but they can definitely benefit the body. These formulated shakes are intended for helping the body to recover after intense physical activity by repairing muscle injury and reinstating the body�۪s supply of glycogen. It�۪s best that you use shakes a supplement rather than a meal replacement, being that they often lack vital nutrients. If you drink too many shakes, they might sabotage your weight loss efforts, therefore, use them as a tool in moderation. If you are careful to not consume too many calories, protein shakes can benefit your weight loss journey.

Are protein shakes healthy?

are you stupid enough to come here sh%t for brains of course protein shakes are healthy