No, a liver function test (LFT) and a complete blood count (CBC) do not typically test for cannabis use. To detect cannabis in the blood, a specific test for cannabinoids must be performed.
Yes, cannabis can be detected in a blood test. The test can detect the presence of THC, the active compound in cannabis, in the bloodstream. The detection window varies depending on the frequency and amount of cannabis use.
no blood only tested for what is ordered
I dont know haha ; )
I doubt very much if holding cannabis in your hand would show up in a blood test.
Cannabis use releases a chemical called THC into your bloodstream. Therefore in a blood test THC would be detected, even for some time after taking Cannabis.
If they are not testing for it, it will not show up.
The official answer is 30 days, but I have known people to pass a urinalysis after a week. A hair test will show for longer. I am not certain about the blood test.
Yes. Unless doctors specifically test for cannabis when they test urine, it will not show up.
no because it will have exited your blood through the urethra
a drug test