The 38 special will be in a revolver and the 380 ACP most probably a semi-auto. However some of the energy of the bullet is used to eject and reload the 380 which dampens the recoil a bit. Also the .38 special is actually 0.357 " diam and the 380 is 0.355". The upshot of it all is that the .38 would have more recoil.
It depends totally on the type of ammunition, but for a given caliber a Glock generally has LESS perceived recoil than another pistol of similar weight, because of the recoil mechanism and the flexibility of the frame.
My brother recoil when he saw the big, ugly spider climb up the stairs.
Pistola (pistol) + ón (suffix meaning big) Big pistol.
No. A .32 bullet is about 7.65mm, and a .380 is 9mm. It is too big to chamber.
380 millimeters is 1 foot and 2.96 inches.
The ISBN of The Big U is 0-380-81603-2.
NYS Pistol Permit photo is standard passport photo
"Big Iron' was a term oft associated with the Colt SAA
73 metres long and a wingspan of 79 metres.
Its the area of a square or rectangle whose: length (inches) * breadth (inches) = 380 > examples: 38 * 10 , 19 * 20 (rectangles) or if its a square (sq. root 380) = 19.49 * 19.49
Go to Colt's website and request a ownwer's manual