Supergirl is who you would unlock
To unlock Huntress in Lego batman you have to complete the game.
no she dosnt she has to be unlocked by getting the full 250 gold bricks and find the secret door on the middle island she costs about 120,00 studs
Batman, Robin, Superman ,Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg ,Marssion Manhunter ,Supergirl ,Hawkman ,Hawkgirl ,Nightwing and,Caption Marvel
no he is only in lego batman 1
lego suck thats it
Alec de ceglie and tashani
go to the the back of the bank and buy it ,or get a cheat code
it is sad but there are no villan levels in lego batman 2
there should be because of the end of Lego batman 2