Yes there is: there is one made by S&W (~$150) and another made by Mossburg (~$120) - I've seen both on and both were smooth barrel open sights with a 3" chamber.
Mossberg 1000 barrels will fit the Smith & Wesson 1000 Super 12 only !!
i have one and love it easy to clean shoulders nicely and recoil is very mild only problem i have is i cant find a slug barrel for it
Yes, I have actually done this myself. I was out hunting with my cousin and I thought he was a deer. My instincts kicked in and I shot a slug straight at him. Luckily, I'm a very poor shot and I hit his model 1000 instead of him, but let me tell you, the slug went right through the gun and kept on going. So yes, it is very easy to shoot a slug through a 12 gauge model 1000 Smith and Wesson pump shotgun, as that's the exact model my cousin Darrell had been using. I don't know why you'd want to do this, but I guess you can do whatever you want with your guns.
That is correct.
Firing lead shot through a slug barrel will not damage the barrel. The rifling will distort the shot pattern and you will get less than desireable results.
Incomplete serial number. Value from $500-$1000.
i have a 12 gauge unrifled barrel 500 model.what type of slug do you reccomend for the mossberg
A rifled slug- yes.
Slug barrel
Shooting rifled slugs is the ONLY way to shoot thru a smoothbore for deer. If you shoot sabot slugs thru a smoothbore, it will not spin and therefore not be accurate. For accuracy, the slug must spin out of the barrel. Either shoot a rifled slug thru a smooth barrel, or shoot a saboted slug thru a rifled barrel.
The amount of constriction at the muzzle