The distance between Orlando, FL and Davie, FL is approximately 200 miles.
The address of the Davie School Foundation is: 6650 Griffin Rd, Davie, FL 33314-4331
He has a house in Davie, Fl
I live in Davie and it took me eleven hours straight up
Rosenberg Steven A DDSis closest to Davie Ste 115, 7500 Northwest 5th Street, Plantation, FL- (954) 791-7172
The halfway point between Davie, Florida and Jupiter, Florida is Delray Beach, Florida.
Davie, FL: Latitude: N 26° 4' 35.3208" / Longitude: W 80° 15' 7.6176"
The address of the Young At Art Museum is: 751 Sw 121St Ave, Davie, FL 33325
MLB player Nick Castellanos was born in Davie, FL.
The address of the United Daughters Of The Confederacy is: 1831 Sabal Palm Drive Apt 402, Davie, FL 33324-5944
The address of the Young At Art Children'S Museum is: 751 Sw 121St Avenue, Davie, FL 33325-3804
NO well is it the one in Davie FL cause that one is the not it is a public school