I dont think it does because it is a keypad but it does have auto text if that helps.
Contrary to what website reviews say, the MSGM8 II does not have T9 predictive text.
Hold down the * key when you are in the text area.
yes, there is
It says 'I.Love.You'
It's called predictive text, but it's not exactly spell check because it won't underline misspellings, but predictive text works well enough for me.
you need to click on the "reference topics" bullet and then type a word or a phrase to view predictive text searches.
advantages of predictictive text is it helps tou to write the text more quicker and it give you the write spelling of the text.
Text Plus is for the iPhone and the iPod Touch.
No you can text as normal
yes it has, i have one and i love it hold down 'alt' & 'sym' buttons together for a few secs.....a screen will pop up and give u the choice of texts....select XT9 for predictive text.
Yes, you can do this. Consult the instruction booklet or check online. Predictive text usually has T9 at the top corner. You can turn it off on most phones by pressing either the star or hash key.