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no people make up stuff

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Q: Is the video on Youtube about Teresa Fidalgo real?
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Is Teresa fidalgos story real?

Yes, Teresa Fidalgo's story is a hoax that originated as a viral marketing campaign for a Portuguese horror film in 2014. There is no factual basis to the story of Teresa Fidalgo being a ghost haunting a road in Portugal.

Is teressa fidalgo story real?

We believe ( me & abbie ), that the Teresa Fidalgo story is actually REAL.When abbie got the text, she actually had a car crash, because she didnt forward it.So best of luck. Be safe.~HollymayabbsLeigh~

How do you find out the viewer number of a youtube video is real?

It's always real. The calculation of views for a video are never wrong.

Are talking horses real or not?

yes they are because on youtube there is a video

How do i download video of YouTube to my PC?

use real player

Is the video of the baby laughing like a devil on youtube real?


What is a trap video on YouTube?

A trap video on YouTube is a video that does not contain the content it claims to. Many of these are either practical jokes such as rickrolls or provide a link claiming to lead to the "real" video.

Is this a YouTube video?

Well, darling, if you're watching it on YouTube, then chances are it's a YouTube video. But hey, stranger things have happened, so who knows, maybe it's just a really convincing cat video on Facebook. But let's be real, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a YouTube video.

What would happen if video game characers came to life?

Go to Youtube and watch "If Video Games Were Real" by smosh.

How do you copy a video from Youtube for free?

The easiest way is to download real player software.

Was the hopsin and MK fight real and who won?

i heard there is a second part to that video. the fights real and i also heard on youtube that theres more to that video and that he knocks them both out

Was Mother Teresa real?

Yes, Mother Teresa was a real person.