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no people make up stuff

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Q: Is the video on Youtube about Teresa Fidalgo real?
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Is Teresa fidalgos story real?

Yes, Teresa Fidalgo's story is a hoax that originated as a viral marketing campaign for a Portuguese horror film in 2014. There is no factual basis to the story of Teresa Fidalgo being a ghost haunting a road in Portugal.

Is teressa fidalgo story real?

We believe ( me & abbie ), that the Teresa Fidalgo story is actually REAL.When abbie got the text, she actually had a car crash, because she didnt forward it.So best of luck. Be safe.~HollymayabbsLeigh~

How do you find out the viewer number of a youtube video is real?

It's always real. The calculation of views for a video are never wrong.

Are talking horses real or not?

yes they are because on youtube there is a video

How do i download video of YouTube to my PC?

use real player

Is the video of the baby laughing like a devil on youtube real?


What is a trap video on YouTube?

A trap video on YouTube is a video that does not contain the content it claims to. Many of these are either practical jokes such as rickrolls or provide a link claiming to lead to the "real" video.

What would happen if video game characers came to life?

Go to Youtube and watch "If Video Games Were Real" by smosh.

How do you copy a video from Youtube for free?

The easiest way is to download real player software.

Was the hopsin and MK fight real and who won?

i heard there is a second part to that video. the fights real and i also heard on youtube that theres more to that video and that he knocks them both out

Was Mother Teresa real?

Yes, Mother Teresa was a real person.

Is the the annoying orange a stranger?

The Annoying Orange is not real, Its very good Video Editing. But the Creater is 'Daneboe' from YouTube and he is real.