I've had one of these for over 20 years. I've never had an issue with it. It's never jammed to anything. Top of the line, no. But I feel it's reliable.
Gun shop, gun show, want ad
Titan was the name used for firearms made for the firm FIE (Firearms Import Export) of Florida. They were low cost firearms made, for the most part, in what was West Germany. There were several different Titan pistols in different calibers. FIE has been out of business for 20 years now. If you can post a description and ALL markings, we would have better chance of getting you some information.
No sn data published. 10-90 USD
You will have to have the police run the serial number. If it has been reported to the police, it will likely show up.
FIE was not a firearms manufacturer, but rather, an importer based in Miami, FL. They have been out of business for some years. They have sold several .38 Special revolvers. Titan Tiger (manufactured in Turkey) was one, and Standard was another. Some of their guns were made by Weirauch in Germany.
My Lord
it means there is a spelling mustake
Tjong A Fie was born in 1860.
Tjong A Fie died in 1921.
Yes. Fie is a legal Scrabble word.
It is hard to say based on the info you have given exactly the age of the Titan 25 cal that you have. From my understanding they were manufactured between the late 60's and the late 70's. They were manufactured in Italy and distributed by at least 2 companies EIG and FIE, EIG imported them before 1968, and FIE after that date. So that should at least give you a rough idea of the age of the gun you have. I found a spattering of forum posts about the Titan 25's by doing a Google search. Here is one that give a little detail about the EIG version of this gun: http://forums.gunbroker.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=67712.
FIE was an importer, not a maker. Value will depend on who made the shotgun FIE was an importer, not a maker. Value will depend on who made the shotgun