Yes, the song Rocking Alone in an Old Rocking Chair is in the public domain and is not listed as a copyrighted song. This means that the song can be used by anyone who chooses it.
white christmas
Bing Crosby
White Christmas- the best-selling secular yule song- was the title of a movie. the movie was originally entitled Holiday Inn, but was changed to avoid confusion with the familiar motel chain, so I understand. the song does not remotely deal with the Christian concept of Christmas, sadly true of many yule songs.
The song, Christmas Alphabet, is a Christmas song written in 1955, sung by the singer, Dickie Valentine. The song became a big hit, going #1 in the United Kingdom.
No; copyright is administered by St. Nicholas Music.
Is perfidia a public domain song? send answer to
Type public domain patriotic songs into a search engine. You will find your answer. This song is in public domain.
The original version of If You're Happy and You Know It is in public domain. Some versions of the song are not in public domain.
Yes, Shenandoah is public domain.
No it is not. It was copyrighted 1951. Any song with a copyright after 1922 is not in the public domain.
The song Molly Do You Love Me is in the public domain. This is because the song and its lyrics were written before 1922. Any songs which were written before this time are considered public domain.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain settings, performances, and recordings may have their own protection.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain arrangements, performances, and recordings may still be protected.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain arrangements, performances, and recordings are still protected by copyright.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain settings, performances, and recordings may still be protected.
The song itself is in the public domain, but certain settings, arrangements, performances, and recordings can have their own protections.