Yes, as it is originally configured with a fixed 10 round magazine and a fixed stock.
Federal law is 18 to purchase a rifle. Ask your local police if Atlanta has a prohibition on the SKS.
Depends on where you live.
All centrefire semi-auto firearms are classed as Category D under Australian law, and only occupational shooters may possess them. Collectors may own only deactivated rifles. And the SKS is not an assault rifle.
You need to leave the barrel 16" or longer to be legal.
The SKS is not an assault rifle, nor even a BATFE-defined "civilian assault weapon". And no, a permit is not required.
Yes, it is, provided the weapon itself is compliant with state and federal laws (such as 922r).
SKS Microfinance was created in 1998.
Yes, it is legal. Florida has no AWB in effect. However, anything you add must be US made.
The D and M models accept AK47 magazines whereas the standard sks has an integral magazine.
You can purchase drum magazines for an SKS from online gun shops, firearm accessory retailers, or gun shows. It's important to ensure that the magazine is legal in your jurisdiction before making a purchase.
The only SKS carbines currently which require registration are the Chinese-made SKS-M and SKS-D models. Those could not be imported into the state after 1989, and had to be registered by 2000.