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Assuming that you have a pre- 09 Atr, the trigger is unadjustable... And you can't get a replacement from mossberg. The trigger pulls on the ATRs are horrible, ranging from 3.5(good) to 8.5(horrible) lbs. Mine breaks at 8 pounds, and there is no way of adjusting it. Believe me, I've tried, and so have gunsmiths.

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Q: Is the mossberg atr trigger adjustable?
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I believe this rifle was made by Mossberg and is the Mossberg 46B. Do a search for photos of the 46B Mossberg to see if it is a match. If so, try Havlin Sales & Service as they may have a replacement trigger guard.

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Check Mossberg Customer Service thru their website. They will need the serial number of the gun in question- model changed during production.

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