If you are spotting through the month, then your pills are too weak.
if spotting can you still be pregnant?
no, but what you may get is called spotting. This is usually less blood than a period and is very common.
Spotting and irregular periods are side effects of the implant. If you still think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.
Spotting while skipping periods with birth control is a common complaint. It is not a sign that the method is less effective.
Nothing happens it must mean that you missed it but you may still need to see a GP.
What if your on your period but not heavy only spotting can you still get pregnant if he ejactulates in you?
You can still be pregnant even though you are spotting and loosing blood clots.
Yes. Your hormones fluctuate quite a bit during and after a miscarriage. It can sometimes take up to a month before your levels go back to normal, so it is possible to have a positive result on a pregnancy test whether there is spotting or not.
If you are using the IUD, have spotting, and have multiple negative pregnancy tests, pregnancy is not a likely explanation.
Yes, you can have spotting without a period while using an IUD.
Yes birth control pills aren't effective until you complete one full month of taking them.