Yes.A fine made rifle in a great caliber.I had one in .308Win and loved it.That rifle took many deer.
No such caliber.
Your winchester model 70 featherweight,pre-64 rifle was made in 1956.
By the serial #.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 70 bolt action rifle was made in the year 1990.
A pre-64 Winchester model 70 feather weight rifle will bring between 800-1,100 dollars,depending on the overall original condition of your rifle,and a good bore.
A pre-64 Winchester model 70 feather weight rifle will bring between 800-1,100 dollars,depending on the overall original condition of your rifle,and a good bore.
I use a 2.5-8x36 VX3...
The pre-64 winchester model 70 featherweight rifles are currently valued at between 425 dollars for a rifle with 60% original finish remaining up to 1,000 dollars for a fine example with 90%original finish remaining.You could also add 20% to the above stated values if your rifle has a aluminum butt plate.
Winchester made the model 1873 rifle and the model 1876 rifle,but did not make a model 1875 rifle.
A Winchester Model 70 is a rifle.
Your winchester model 1890 .22cal rifle was made by winchester in 1902.
what is the value of a Winchester rifle 85?