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Prabaly not. Ask for a replacment or just glue on the helmet.

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Q: Is the Lego clone trooper helmet supposed to be loose?
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NO! they're not supposed to be loose if they are use the yellow thing to tighten it.

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As long as it isn't tight enough to give you a headache a tight helmet is better than a loose one.

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Yes you can.(your not supposed to)

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Loose wheel, bent wheel, Belt broke in tire,BAD wheel bearing. Check and repair as needed.

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A little.

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The ECU (computer) will only loose info like error codes and adaptive turning values but will relearn the tuning values in a few short trips. It will not loose it program just like a home computer hard drive will not loose it's memory.

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No, these are molers and should not come out, i know, i have a dentist in my family.

Are skater shoes supposed to be loose?

well i pesronally perfer em lose but its harder to skateboard dude