One make of 9mm pistol is the one made by Sig-Sauer. Think you may be confusing that make with the term six hour.
No. There are several different calibers that are called 9mm. These calibers are not interchangeable. A quick rundown of 9mm pistol cartridges: 9x17 also called 9mm Kurz, 9mm Short or .380 Auto 9x18 Makarov, also called 9mm Makarov 9x19 also called 9mm Luger, 9mm, 9mm Para, 9mm Parabellum 9x21 also called 9mm IMI 9x23 also called 9mm Long, 9mm Largo
The .380 IS a 9mm- a 9mm Short (also called 9mm Kurz or Corto). There are more than a dozen different 9mm cartridges. Most people mean the 9mm Parabellum (also called 9mm Luger) when they say 9mm. The 9mm Parabellum IS a longer cartridge than the .380 .
While the .380 is sometimes called the 9mm Kurz, it is not the same as the 9mm parabellum (also called 9mm Luger and 9x19). It is shorter than the 9mm.
9mm Parabellum- often called 9mm Luger.
If you mean 9mm Parabellum (also called 9mm Luger)- no. the 9x18 (Makarov) is fatter and shorter than 9mm Parabellum. It is not a true 9 mm.
The same cartridge may have different names. Properly called the 9mm Parabellum, it is also called 9mm Luger and 9x19. However, there are SEVERAL different 9mms that do NOT interchange. Your High Point should be able to fire 9mm Luger.
Good answer below. The "9mm Luger" is properly the 9mm Parabellum, but it is also called the Luger. There are about a dozen different cartridges with 9mm in their name, but the 9mm Luger is the best known.
9mm (usually called 9mm Luger or 9mm Parabellum) almost always has a higher muzzle velocity than the 380 ACP (also called the 9mm short, 9mm Kurtz, and 9mm Corto). The two bullets are essentially the same diameter however the 9mm Parabellum is almost always a heavier bullet than the 380 ACP with a larger powder charge and a significantly higher chamber pressure.
The ammuntion is called 9mm or 9mm Luger. Check with a gunsmith first before attempting to fire.
They are the same round. In the "metric world" outside the US it's called 9mm Kurz (German for "short") and in the US it's called the .380 ACP. Other names, depending on the country and manufacturer, include .380 Auto, 9mm Browning, 9mm Corto, 9mm Short and 9x17mm, and there are even some others. The confusion is caused by the fact that US ammo named .38 or .380 is the diameter of the brass cartridge while the bullet is actually .35" (9mm) diameter.
Thje proper name of the cartridge is 9mm Parabellum, It is also called 9mm Luger, and 9x19 (the size in millimeters) They are all the same cartridge, just called by different names.
The 9mm Parabellum is longer than the .380 ACP (also called the 9mm Short) They do not interchange.