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While technology makes many tasks easier, it creates new tasks for people to fulfill. Technology can bring our productivity to a higher level. Machines make menial tasks easier, which gives us the opportunity to work on other things.

There always have been, and always will be lazy people. As technology improves, the amount of work you have to do in order to survive becomes less, which gives lazy people the ability to live life without doing as much.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 9mo ago

Technology can make certain tasks easier, which could lead some individuals to become reliant on it. However, technology also enables us to be more productive and opens up possibilities for innovation and growth. Ultimately, the impact of technology on human laziness depends on how individuals choose to use it.

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Q: Is technology making humans lazy
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What is the definition of lazy?

disliking work and physical activity and never making any effort He's just a lazy man with no job and no desire to find one. Bill is too lazy to cook for himself so when his wife is out of town, he goes to McDonalds.

What is the opposite world of lazy?

The opposite of lazy is industrious or diligent.

As lazy as a?

As lazy as a couch potato.

What is a person who is too lazy to work called?

A person who is too lazy to work is often referred to as "lazy" or "unmotivated." They may also be described as "unemployed" if they are not actively seeking or holding a job due to laziness.

How do you deal with a lazy person on a production line?

You FIRE them and hire one that ISN'T lazy. Money talks!

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How humans are affected?

Making the human life very lazy

How can technology help us in the future?

technology will help us in future by having robots and not human beings [darklegacyx3] but if we get too lazy robots might repel and attack humans and take over the world that's why we can't get lazy with advanced technology if we do technology will get an advantages of taking over humans

How are machines affecting humans?

Making the human life very lazy

Are the rates in type two diabetes and obesity going up?

yes Why? Because simply America is lazy. We're making technology that makes less work for us to do and that's causing us to be lazy and get overweight.

Why are humans replaced by robots?

Because us humans are getting really lazy and all the technology is getting better and smarter so we have the powers to. I say why not as long as we don't eliminate the human race that god created!!!!!!

Is science making the modern man lazy debate?

Yes, man is too dependant on modern technology, Take the show MAN VS WILD, any human is suposed to suvive in the wild, when we die in the wild it is because of our ignorence of our natural instinct that cause's us (humans) to die.

What is a disadvantage of computer technology?

fat and lazy people

Has new technology made man lazy?


Why are values important when making decisions about technology?

All technology is a tool, it amplifies what humans can do. Simply, put it is important to have values when we use technology, because it is always important to have values when making decisions. The damage that can be wrought by people using technology exceeds what we could do on our own, and as such we should be hypersensitive to what we decide

how has technology helped humans to adapt to thier enviroment?

The technology helped humans to get adapt humans.

Does moddern technology make man lazy?

Since the start of recorded history there have been lazy people. The level of technology has nothing to do with what people want to do or want everyone else to do for them.