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Usually tattoos are a decoration, but at certain times and places, tattoos are used to mark humans as undesirable to the society at that time in history.

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Q: Is tattoo a decoration
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'Ink' 'Piercing ink' 'Body decoration' 'The gun&needle' Those ones were at top of my head lol Luck!:)

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A form of skin decoration in South Asia, as well as expatriate communities from these areas. Practically a temporary tatoo :) kinda like airbrush tattoos i think.

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Tattoos are body decoration. A tattoo is made by staining the skin with special inks. The primary purpose is similar to that of fashionable clothing: to show the world what sort of a person one is.

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What is mehndi?

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What original language did the word tattoo?

Tattoo, as a body decoration, derives from a Polynesian word "tatu", meaning a puncture mark made on skin. In military history, there is a completely different meaning and derivation. A tattoo is a signal, usually given by beating a drum, recalling soldiers back to their barracks. It appears to come from "Tap" (or a faucet) and "toe", a word of Dutch origin meaning "shut." The signal was originally a warning that the authorities were about to visit the local taverns and shut the beer taps.