The antonym for "legal" is "illegal."
Cannabis was made illegal in the UK in 1928 under the Dangerous Drugs Act.
Yes, switchblades are illegal to possess or carry in Mississippi. They are considered illegal weapons under state law.
It is not possible to provide an average monthly income for an illegal immigrant on welfare as it is illegal for them to receive welfare benefits in the United States.
no you cant because its not illegal :)
Both. Hunting can be done for beneficial purposes. Tagging for instance. Poaching is illegal hunting for profit or food.
If you deface property by "tagging" or painting on property that does not belong to you without permission from the owner, then you are committing vandalism or criminal mischief. This is illegal.If you deface property by "tagging" or painting on property that does not belong to you without permission from the owner, then you are committing vandalism or criminal mischief. This is illegal.If you deface property by "tagging" or painting on property that does not belong to you without permission from the owner, then you are committing vandalism or criminal mischief. This is illegal.If you deface property by "tagging" or painting on property that does not belong to you without permission from the owner, then you are committing vandalism or criminal mischief. This is illegal.
The plural of tagging is taggings.
Please stop tagging me in your Facebook pictures.We are tagging the bodies now.
is windmill lane the u2 graffiti wall? if it is then yeh its legal but when you go tagging the appartments near it, then its illegal
Tagging is playing Linking is yo mama
It is used to put prices on items. There are sticker tagging guns and plastic tag tagging guns. Plastic tag tagging guns are to put price tags on clothing and other soft goods.
Tagging is the use of phosphorescence in the printing of a stamp. It is used to help automatic sorting and cancelling machines to orient envelopes.
Gang tagging is a bad thing to do and if the cops see you will be sentence to jail.Also tagging is bad for the envirment it could give deases or orther bad things.
iTunes is the best MP3 tagging software on my Mac.
In the Caribbean, they are watching and tagging them as they can. It is illegal to touch one or to bother the eggs.