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Yep. Swelling can be a problem if the bar is too short but its completely normal!

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Q: Is swelling and pain ok in an industrial piercing after 6 days?
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How do you know if an industrial piercing is infected?

Whether you are talking about the industrial piercing or other common ear piercings, they all involve puncturing a jewelry in the skin. Thus, any piercing can easily get viral or bacterial infection, if you don't follow aftercare instructions carefully. &, knowing the signs & symptoms of infected industrial piercing will help you to get treatment before it become very serious. Some of the obvious symptoms of infected industrial piercing are prolonged swelling, inflammation, redness, pain & burning sensation (after the initial 3-4 days of piercing). Unusual discharge of yellowish-green thick fluid & bleeding from the pierced area are also some noticeable symptoms of industrial piercing infection.

Can a back piercing damage your spine?

Well if you get a secondary infection in the piercing then the answer is Yes. Mind you the pain and swelling would have prompted you to see your Doctor before it got to a point you could no longer stand the pain.

Can you take 3 ibuprofens and 1 vitamin c tablet a day to reduce swelling from a lip piercing?

The Ibuprofen will reduce the pain and swelling. The vitamin c is to fight off infection. Keep the piercing area clean.

Is it normal for a lip piercing to pus?

Swelling and discharge from piercings is normal in the first few days post piercing. Swelling can last any where from a week to 3 weeks depending on the piercing. Controlling the swelling and maintaining good post piercing care is critical. Discharge of whitish yellow material from the piercing is normal and this too will ease off as the piercing heals. Again keeping the piercing health clean and happy is very important.Washing the piercing daily in the shower and rinsing with lots of warm running water is important to flush matter out of the piercing and allowing the piercing to breath.Staying on cold stuff for oral piercings is important and the addition of Ibuprofen , Advil or even Chamomile tea ice cubes helps to keep the swelling down.Oral piercings and the swelling related to them can last any where up to 2 or 3 weeks, this swelling will go down day by day and maintaining a clean environment for the piercing is important.Should you experience more swelling, redness and the discharge of green puss with pain and warmth to the touch your piercing is infected and must be treated as soon as possible. See your professional body piercer for assistance as soon as possible.

In tongue piercing more painful than industrial piercing?

No actually there are no pain receptors in the center of the tongue, they are all along the outside edge of the tongue to remind you not to bite your tongue. We are just piercing the center connective tissue between the two muscle complexes that make up the tongue so it quick simple and for the most part painless. The discomfort comes the 2nd and 3rd days post piercing when the swelling can be a bit painful and annoying. If you follow the instructions provided to you by your professional body piercer you should do just fine.

When will your tongue piercing heal ive had it for 5 days?

The swelling and pain should be gone in about 2 weeks so it'll feel like its healed but it'll take at least 5 months for it to actually be healed.

Swelling of your piercing go down?

Well your professional body piercer should have covered that with you at the time you got your piercing done. Best give him/her a phone call and ask for some help, you seem to have some issues going on with your piercing and they should have given you full instructions regarding swelling and pain management.

What is the first sign of a infected ear piercing?

The first signs would be a combination of swelling, redness and possible smelly discharge around the piercing as well as pain or a throbbing sensation in the ear lobe.

How painful is a tongue piercing?

The initial piercing is not painful. The only thing felt is the pressure of needle. The clamp on the tongue hurts more than the actual piercing. The healing after is the painful part. The tongue will swell, and the muscle will be sore. As the tongue adjust to the metal and heals itself from the initial tear and swelling, the pain will subside, generally over a few days following the piercing. By experience, a piercing in the upper cartilage hurts more than a piercing in the tongue.

How long after piercing will a lip ring continue to hurt for?

Well your professional body piercer should have covered that with you at the time you got your piercing done. Best give him/her a phone call and ask for some help, you seem to have some issues going on with your piercing and they should have given you full instructions regarding swelling and pain management.

Does tongue piercing hurt during the night?

No the level of pain you have during the day time is the same level at night, and the pain will decrease as the piercing heals and the swelling goes down. The previous answer was highly incorrect and has been deleted for that reason. Leave the jewellery in and follow your after care instructions and the piercing will heal just fine.

Does a top lip peircing hurt?

All piercings hurt, but it's only minor and short lived. The discomfort comes for the healing process and the swelling in the following days. Follow the aftercare you are given and take care of the piercing and all should be fine. Pain is minor and short lived.