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Yes & no must NOT smoke for at least 72 hours prior to the time that you need to be detoxed ...then exactly 12 hours before you need to be detoxed, you take the package & take half of it straight with water ...then 3 hours prior you take the other half of the package ...making sure that you have released urine at least twice before testing for THC ..the third time should be clean this works is it coats your stomach & kidneys with Gelatin, allowing for the liquids passing through not to touch your fat cells essence not really a detox but a temporary masking device

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Q: Is surejell a 24 hour detox for THC?
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Follow directions EXACTLY and you should be OK.

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The answer is quite simple. You can go on a juicing fast for 24 hours. Since you are on a liquid diet, it gives your organs a break from working and does wonders to detox your body. There are many juicing recipes available online if you are not sure where to start.

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Yep, I used to work there. Just go and buy a 24 hour detox kit...

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Check with your local church or homeless shelter. They would have leads on free or low cost detox centers. are ther any detox tests for free where can i get free meth detox free is there anything you can detox with in 24 hours

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yes, 24 hour time is called 24 hour time!!

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24 Hour Catwalk - 2012 24 Hour Woman was released on: USA: February 2012

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Drink detox from GNC and youre clean for 24 hrs

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