There are two syllables in the word "study". stud-y
No, stud can't be a collective noun, a collective noun is a word for a type of group. The noun stud is a word for specific things such as upright supports in construction, nails or nail heads, a type of earring, etc. Collective nouns might be a row of studs or a pair of earrings.
There are 3 syllables in the word studying 3- stud-y-ing -
Urban Dictionary defines the word "stud" as a term often used to describe a man who is considered to be attractive, charming, and confident. It can also refer to a person who is skilled or accomplished in a particular area.
The noun stud is a collective noun for a stud of breeding mares, a stud of mares, a stud of horses, and a stud of poker players.
Stallone is an Italian equivalent of the English word "stud."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. It may be preceded by the definite article lo ("the") or the indefinite uno ("a, one"). The pronunciation is "stahl-LOH-neh."
Boss, head..
The noun 'stud' is used as a collective noun for a stud of horses, a stud of mares, or a stud of poker players.
Nope is not a German word.Noppe is the closest German word. It means knob, nub, pimple, stud