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We connect, transact business, get our daily news feed, and so much more thanks to social networking.

Good thing of Social Networking:

  • Connect to Other People All Over the World
  • Easy and Instant Communication
  • Real-Time News and Information Discovery
  • Great Opportunities for Business Owners
  • General Fun and Enjoyment

Bad thing of Social Networking:

  • Information Overload and Overwhelm
  • Privacy Issues
  • Social Peer Pressure and Cyber Bullying
  • Increased Feelings of Social Isolation
  • Distraction and Procrastination
  • Sedentary Lifestyle Habits and Sleep Disruption
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13y ago

Depends on how you look at things

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Q: Is social networking a good or bad thing?
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What are some benefits and risks of using social networking sites?

Social networking sites could be good and bad.

Is social networking good or bad for kids?

Yes it is because it helps people be more social if they weren't already. Being social is part of our human nature, social networking can help with that.

What is a social bad thing?

Defecating on the sidewalk is commonly seen as a 'social bad thing'.

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you can get a really bad hairdo sometimes its all fake and the advise they give you sometimes is not always good.

What are the good and bad things about social networking sites such as your Space and Facebook?

It is bad to use facebook and other things because many families have many problems because of the usage of facebook

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its bad to use bad lanuge because u can be banned

Is Facebook and Bebo bad?

Both are the best social networking sites right now iintact u better not get addictive with face book or bebo ;).. GOOD LUCK

Is the benefit a good thing or a bad thing?

Benefit is good thing. Its good compared to bad.

What are three disadvantage of social networking?

you can meet bad people- Viruses- Pedofiles- dont know who your talking to

Is A positive thing good or bad?

A positive thing is good and a negative thing is bad .

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Are zoos a good thing or bad thing?

good thing