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This is something that has not been rigorously studied. So it is impossible to compare the risk of smoking a small, filtered cigar like a Prime Time to a typical cigarette. However, considering that small, filtered cigars are about the same size as a cigarette, have about as much tobacco, have a filter, and are generally inhaled, it would not be unreasonable to come to the conclusion that the dangers of smoking a small, filtered cigar (such as Prime Time) are similar to those of smoking cigarettes.

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Q: Is smoking prime times like smoking a pack of cigarettes?
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I don't know that any research has been done to compare the dangers of smoking cigarettes vs small cigars (such as Prime Times). However, small cigars like Prime Times are roughly the same size as cigarettes and have a filter like cigarettes. Furthermore, the smoke from small cigars such as Prime Times is generally inhaled like cigarette smoke. So it would not be unreasonable to conclude that the dangers of smoking a small cigar such as a Prime Time are similar to the dangers of cigarette smoking.

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