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No it is deadly auctuly it has toxins such as bleace and ink. Just those two are harmful to lungs,liver,heart, and the brain (sorry if i anwserd to late). So you would have a better chance with weed

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Q: Is smoking notebook paper safe
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What is notebook paper?

Notebook paper is paper that you can write notes on and maybe in a book with other pieces of notebook paper

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Wax paper can burn so it is best not to use it in the oven. A great alternative to wax paper is parchment paper. It will not burn in the oven.

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It is called filler paper because it is used to fill a notebook or binder.

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Construction paper would likely float the best out of the three options due to its thickness and durability in water. Notebook paper and copy paper are thinner and may become soggy and sink quicker when exposed to water.

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The mass of a sheet of notebook paper is typically around 4-5 grams.

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A standard piece of notebook paper weighs about 4.5 grams.

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Does notebook paper work as paper for a joint?

It does not work very well, as it is difficult to get regular paper to stay rolled. It is also nearly impossible to roll the paper tightly on the substance being smoked, the result being the substance falling out either end.

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Notebook paper

What kind of notebook grows on trees?

A notebook made from paper originates from trees. Trees are used to produce paper, which is then bound into a notebook format for writing purposes.