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Smoking is hazardous to everyone, even people who don't smoke (because of second-hand smoke). Smoking is hazardous to women and can contribute to Cervical cancer, premature menopause, heart disease, and many other unfortunate problems.

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Q: Is smoking hazardous to women
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When sleeping what does smoking do?

Falling asleep whilst smoking is very hazardous and could cause a fire.

How do you use hazardous in a sentence?

The chemicals in the laboratory are considered hazardous to human health.

What is the current rate of women smoking during pregnancy in India?

In India twenty three percent of women smoke during pregnancy. There isn't a large awareness surrounding its hazardous effects on babies. The issue isn't out in the open in this country right now.

Men vs Women smoking?

More men smoke than women and more women die of cancer from smoking. Society still frowns on women smoking more than men.

How do you use the word hazardous in a sentence?

Smoking is hazardous to your health. Keeping gasoline or other flammable liquids inside the home is extremely hazardous. The storms in the Strait of Magellan make sailing there very hazardous.

Why does smoking damage your skin?

Because the tar and hazardous chemicals that you inhale poison the way your skin looks

Is rarely bidi smoking good for health?

"Bidi cigarettes are hazardous to human health and should not be thought of as a safe-smoking alternative." -

Smoking by pregnant women can hurt the?


Who is affected most by smoking men or women?

Women seem to be somewhat more susceptible to smoking-related problems than men, but the difference is not great.

Should you smoke weed for morning sickness?

No! Absolutely not, this is extremely hazardous to your infant. Do not smoke anything untill the baby can feed by himself. (feeding breastmilk while smoking (anything) is also extremely hazardous)

Is smoke from a fire place hazardous?

In small amounts no (although it will contain carcinogens). However if the fire is smoking alot then the chimney may be blocked and this could be hazardous as the fumes contain Carbon Monoxide which can kill.

Should women smoke weed in front of their children?

Women shouldn't be smoking weed period, so the answer is no and no. If you know of someone smoking weed report them to the police.