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Not in the literal sense.

Suicide is the deliberate act of taking one's own life.

Although smoking has been proven that it can be detrimental to the smoker and the people who inhale "second hand smoke".

You tell me how people die in fires.Most people die of inhaling smoke in house fires. Because the smoke will get into your lungs faster than the fire will burn you alive. That's why they tell you to get down low. Because the smoke raises. Isn't smoke, smoke?When you inhale too much smoke, you can die. When you smoke, the smoke gets into your system, and that's why some smokers can die at a young age.

Smoking can be suicide because it can harm you, and eventually kill you.

I believe it could be considered suicide If you smoke with intent on ending your life earlier. But who really doesn't already know cigarettes will do that?

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Q: Is smoking cigarettes considered suicide
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Smoking-facts contains all of the information on smoking cigarettes that you will need. It warns about the dangers of smoking, tells about the diseases caused by smoking, and has several facts and statistics related to smokers.