I have had a few allergic reactions from myself and other people when I use Smart Tattoo Ink. Real puffy and red skin, sometimes the ink won't stay in, I would sugjest StarBright.
Go to any tattoo shop and they should have ink for sale!
Every good tattoo shop will keep that a secret, so i assume Miami ink will do the same.
Yes, mixing tattoo ink is done every day in the tattoo studio. It works pretty much just the same as mixing any other kinds of ink.
Most tattoo shops in Maryland have tattoo artists that use white ink. Call around to the local shoos near you to see if any offer that type of ink.
its used by some of the best. it lays down that crayon color.
Since tattoo ink is not regulated by the FDA there is a lot of ingredient's in tattoo ink, including heavy metals. Because of that reason some people have allergic reactions to their tattoos.
You should not use Indian ink or sepia ink or any other form of drawing ink for a tattoo. Tattoo pigments are made to be used for just that, tattooing. Any reputable tattooist will use QUALITY ink for a tattoo. If you're tattooing at home, take apart your machines, put them in a plastic Ziploc bag and go get an apprenticeship and stop spreading disease.
The remaining ink will not cause any health problems. If you were going to have any problems with the ink, it would have happened immediately after getting the tattoo.
No, tattoo ink isn't flammable.
I've heard mixed reviews about the ink. I advise nothing less than either Eternal or Star Brite myself.
If a tattoo fades fast, generally it means the tattoo artist didnt apply the ink deep enough (epidermis layer or 2.2mm). It can also happen when not using good quality tattoo ink.
No. Learn how to shade the real way